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Millers Bay Paddlesports Day!

Join us at our 5th annual Millers Bay Ecotourism Day, rebranded in 2024 as Millers Bay Paddlesports Day! The Millers Bay Conservancy and Iowa Lakeside Laboratory are again partnering to promote the No-Wake Zone of Millers Bay as THE premier spot on West Lake Okoboji for the paddlesports and ecotourism*.

Kayakers, Paddleboarders, and Canoeists: Enjoy the calm protected waters, extensive natural shorelines, and wildlife habitat of Millers Bay’s No-Wake Zone on Paddlesports Day and every day! Kayaks, paddleboards, and canoes can be launched directly into Millers Bay’s No-Wake Zone from Oak Street or Miller Street in Wahpeton. (Miller Street has a new kayak launch dock.) Drop your vessels off at either site, with event parking a short walk away in the former Kazarelli’s lot!

The public is welcome to simply enjoy paddling in the boat-free event space, or join one or more of the activities listed below:

Paddlesports Day Activities

🦅 ECOTOUR FOR PADDLERS! Dr. Mary Skopec, Executive Director of Iowa Lakeside Laboratory**, will lead a guided paddling tour of Millers Bay’s ecosystem, starting at 9:30 AM. Meet on Little Millers Bay at Lakeside Lab’s “learning dock” - the northernmost of their two docks and directly down the open hill from the Dining Hall. Come in your own kayak, canoe, or SUP! (A limited number of kayaks are available to borrow from Lakeside Lab at their learning dock. Parking available at the Dining Hall.) Minimum age: 10 years old. (Parent or legal guardian required to sign a liability waiver for minors.) No advance registration - just show up!

🆕 PADDLERS’ SHORELINE CLEAN-UP - all day long - using really cool floating trash cans for paddlers, donated by Mau Marine! Pick up your trash can at Lakeside Lab’s Learning Dock or at kayak launch dock at Miller Street. Drop off the trash you collect at the Miller Street kayak launch dock for proper disposal.

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The official “Paddlesports Day Activities” described above will take place within the special event area marked with large, orange-covered buoys, which will be affixed with “No Boats” signs. NO MOTORIZED WATERCRAFT within the event area, for the safety of the “Paddlesports Day Activities” participants.

Protect Millers Bay:

🌿 Please clean off aquatic vegetation from all water recreation equipment and gear before coming to Millers Bay, which is particularly susceptible to Eurasian watermilfoil, a recreation killer!

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*ECOTOURISM = “Responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment...and involves interpretation and education” (Int'l Ecotourism Society).

**Iowa Lakeside Laboratory is located at 1838 Highway 86, Wahpeton, IA. Park by the “DINING HALL” then walk down the big open hill to the learning dock. Or bike or walk in via the Dickinson County Recreational Trails system. The 147-acre Lakeside Lab property has an extensive system of nature trails and a kids’ scavenger hunt, open to the public during daylight hours. Maps available near the small parking lot inside the historic stone gates.


💯 Many thanks go to DANBOM LAKESIDE ENGINEERING for readily donating their barge services to install the large and heavy DNR special event buoys early in the morning before the event, then removing them that night. And on a Sunday, no less! We are so grateful for your help every year to keep participants of “Paddlesports Day” safe!

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